Fun with Anfra - A priest's emergency fund in the contract calculation?


Fun with Anfra - A priest's emergency fund in the contract calculation?

First, let's take a look back at how agility (and fun) took root in Anfra.

Right from the start, it was recognised that an agile mindset was the key to success. Survival strategies had to be creative, with a large area of operation and almost every site being a first for each locality. Help was there when you asked for it. The local "garbage collector" 1) was, of course, the best first contact. Who else would know the village's equipment and drivers and their skills better and be able to help you get started. At least the last question of the call; "Can you tell me who to call next?", caused a stir. 

With little experience, we rarely knew what to expect when we first bid for a contract. Uncertainty brought a certain amount of concern about the profitability, or rather unprofitability, of the future contract. Fortunately, our grandmothers had taught us that in the old days, surprise guests were dealt with by "the emergency funds of the parsonage". 2), so it was decided to increase it here too. Just in case.

When the first strategy was written, agility came alongside openness, care and firmness. Anfranc agility has always included humour and we have found that fun is an even more important part of our identity than agility, so we changed agility to fun. Cultivating fun is not just a pastime for us, it is a way of creating a positive atmosphere to fuel our creativity and innovation. Positive interactions and teamwork flourish when humour cultivation can and should be given an inordinate amount of resources.

It may surprise our new work friends how much emphasis we place on fun. Having fun at work is central to our success. Weekly encounters with our pre-employees reinforce this. These meetings build trust and enable effective management and rapid implementation of necessary changes. We take open communication and regular feedback for granted. There is no point in dwelling on them too much.

Simply being the best beast builder in the North is not enough to stay at the top of the industry; you have to roll up your sleeves every day to maintain a unique and inspiring work culture. A twinkle in the eye helps. 

I am proud to be an important part of the Anfra team. 

- Marko

Fun - Transparency - Firmness - Care

1) nowadays a raw material collector, as our partner puts it

2) Emergency reserve = Product line to cover any unexpected cost to be included in the contract calculation when calculating the tender. The good thing is that you can add to it according to your own courage. Also used as a sausage with coffee.

(A-Language Dictionary 2024, A-Language skill(s))


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